Official starter project

This Client-first cloneable is the starter project for Finsweet's Client-first Webflow style system.

This project contains a style guide page with the pre-built classes that come with the Client-first style system.

There are no pages, no layouts, and nothing to delete. Learn how to take advantage of Client-first docs.

College Student

Get an early head start for your career

Which stream should I choose?

How can I compete with my peers?

What should be my step?

How can I prepare for my  future?

“Every student wants to find the easier path, but what they cannot see where does that easy path lead them.”

-Suresh Lachhwani

How does it work?


Schedule a consultation📅

This one-on-one session serves as a personalized introduction, allowing us to understand your aspirations, concerns, and expectations.

Talk to the Mentor

Take the tests!

you will be assigned psychometric tests that encompass aptitude, personality type, and area of interest. These scientifically validated assessments are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of your unique profile.


Get Reports

Following the completion of your psychometric tests, you will receive detailed reports consolidating the results of your assessments. These reports serve as a comprehensive overview of your aptitude, personality type, and area of interest.


Get Counseling

Armed with the insights from your assessments, the next step is to engage in personalized counseling with our experienced professionals. Your counselor will delve into the nuances of your report, discussing how your aptitude, personality, and interests intersect.

Get Started

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Who can benefit from this career counselling platform?

Our platform caters to both high school students (grades 9-12) seeking guidance for future academic and career paths, as well as corporate professionals looking to enhance their careers or transition into new fields.

What services does the platform offer for high school students?

For high school students, our platform provides personalized career assessments, guidance on choosing college majors, information about various career options, and assistance in creating effective college and job applications.

What sets your career counselling platform apart from others?

Our platform is student centric and easy to use that provides a holistic approach to career counselling. The personalized guidance and tailored recommendations make the journey more effective and meaningful.

Can parents or guardians be involved in the career counselling process for high school students?

Absolutely! We encourage parents and guardians to be actively involved. Our platform offers tools for them to understand their child's strengths, interests, and career goals, allowing for more informed discussions and decisions.

Is the platform's guidance aligned with educational institutions and industry standards?

Yes, our career counselling platform aligns its guidance with Indian educational standards and industry best practices. We work closely with educational institutions and professionals to ensure the information provided is accurate and beneficial.

Are there any privacy and security measures in place?

We take privacy and security seriously. All user data is handled with the utmost care, and we follow strict protocols to safeguard personal information. Our platform complies with industry standards and regulations to ensure a secure and confidential experience.

How can I get started on the career counselling platform?

Simply sign up on our platform and create an account. From there, you can begin the assessment process, explore resources, and connect with career experts for personalized guidance. Whether you're a high school student or a professional, we're here to support your journey toward a fulfilling and successful career.