Test Assesment


In this test, you have to solve some arithmetic problem statements.

Let's Check out some sample questions

1. It takes half an hour to do one piece of work. How many pieces of work can be finished in 8 hours?

8 pieces

10 pieces

16 pieces

24 pieces

None of the above

Correct. 16 pieces is the right answer. Well done.
Incorrect. The right answer is 16 pieces. If 1 piece of work gets completed in 1/2 an hour. Then in 2 pieces of work gets finished in an hour. Therefore, in 8 hours it will be, 2 X 8 = 16.

2. Ramesh spends one-sixth of his weekly salary for food. He earns Rs. 47.40 a week. How much does he spend for food?

Rs. 5.20

Rs. 6.90

Rs. 7.00

Rs. 7.60

None of the above

Correct. None of the above is the right answer. Well done.
Incorrect. The right answer is Rs. 7.90 . Since Rs. 7.90 is not in options mentioned, None of the above is the right choice.

3. Mohan earns 75 paisa an hour. How much does he earns in 7 hours?

Rs. 4.00

Rs. 4.75

Rs. 4.90

Rs. 5.25

None of the above

Correct. Rs 5.25 is the right answer. Well done.
Incorrect. The right answer is Rs. 5.25.

4. A 1½ feet long piece is cut off a 4½ fast long board. How long is the rest of the board?

2 feet

2 1/2 feet

3 feet

3 1/2 feet

None of the above

Correct. 3 feet is the right answer.
Incorrect. The right answer is 3 feet.

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